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Tokyo Recording Project

「霞町音楽堂」(東京・麻布) のご協力を得まして、









Associazione Italo Giapponese MusicArte International


日本イタリア協会のメンバーは会員特典として= 以下の料金より更に 20パーセントの割引Off...  で利用することができます(詳細別途)。演奏録画や生コンサート形式でのインターネット配信を、環境設備の整った音楽堂で早速実現することができます。





『霞町配信堂』1コマ2時間、録音録画機材、ピアノ使用料込み 「2万円より」(税別) 5/11(月)より無観客で収録の為だけにお貸出しする霞町音楽堂の特別企画、YouTubeなどSNS配信用に企画しましたが 『コンクールのビデオ審査用の撮影でもよろしいのですか?』と仰るご質問を多数頂いております?


“It is time for your professional recording…”


A professional video recording is essential to any musician aiming to international visibility, but we know how costly and difficult is to arrange it, especially by young artists. The Associazione Italo Giapponese MusicArte International (AIGMAI) is proud to offer an exceptional opportunity to all its artists: create a professional DVD, in the heart of Tokyo at the Kasumicho Ongakudo, at special conditions offered only to AIGMAI members. The opportunity has been arranged through a close collaboration between the AIGMAI and “Il Violino Magico”, a prestigious atelier in Tokyo. AIGMAI artists only will receive a 20% discount on the official fee for recordings and a 50% discount for streamed live concerts as well as the gift of 10 copies of the DVD recorded.

The opportunity is open to all instruments, chamber formations and singers (including chorus).

Three (3) are the PLANS among which our artists can chose. AIGMAI will take care of all bookings and documents necessary for the application. The only condition in need to be fulfilled to take advantage of this great opportunity is to be an official member of the Associazione Italo Giapponese MusicArte International. The membership, individual, valid 1 year at the cost of 4000 yen, will allow the participation to a variety of national and international events organized by the AIGMAI. Click here to download the application form:




  • Recording of a DVD for artist`s personal promotion

  • 2 hours (16.000 yen); 4 hours (32.000 yen); 6 hours (48.000 yen)

  • All instruments, chamber formations and singers (including chorus)

  • The use of piano and technical instruments is included in the fee

  • 10 DVD of the recording are included in the fee



  • Recording of a DVD in “Forma di Concerto” with no audience

  • 2 hours (16.000 yen)

  • All instruments, chamber formations and singers (including chorus)

  • The use of piano and technical instruments is included in the fee

  • 10 DVD of the recording are included in the fee



  • Streaming Live of a performance recorded on a DVD. No audience

  • 2 hours (25.000 yen)

  • All instruments, chamber formations and singers (including chorus)

  • The use of piano and technical instruments is included in the fee

  • 10 DVD of the recording are included in the fee

Click here for Kasumicho Ongakudo details

© 2030 by Associazione Italo Giapponese MusicArte International

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